Thursday, November 01, 2007


So, last night, I was wandering around Ravelry, when I saw a post about NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month). I went off to their website to have a look around. Looks cool, methinks. Maybe I could post everyday for a month on my blog! On the spot, I decided to do it. (Also, note the badge in the sidebar. It's clickable!)
Now, in the light of the morning, I am thinking: "What the hell? It's hard enough for me to do the stuff I need to do everyday, never mind something totally voluntary!" Ok, time to slow down and think this out. Nobody is saying I have to write a novel everyday. Hell, I am on the computer every single day, checking email, reading blogs, and generally wandering around. How hard will it be to write a few lines on my blog? Ummm, not too hard. I know I can blog (see, I'm doing it right now!), now is the time to try something a little different.
So, what do I want to "accomplish" by the end of the month? I know it won't be world domination, huge social commentaries, or deep and exposing personal assessments. Maybe I will try something new, like post a book review. Maybe I will learn something about myself, like when do I prefer to post (morning? evening?). And ya know what? Even if I don't "learn" anything new, well, I will have posted every day for a month, and that is good enough for me!

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