Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Riding the wave

Lately, life has been simply wild. In the past month, we got a real estate broker, sold our house and Scott has gone to Grande Prairie. I just cannot believe how (relatively) smoothly everything has gone, all things considered. Now all I have to do is pack, and get me and the dogs out to G.P. No small feat, but I am sure I can do it.

It certainly feels like life has come along like a huge wave, picked me up, and decided which way I am to go. I feel like I could try and balk, but then I would drown and it wouldn't help me anyway. I am trying to simply go with the flow and ride the wave, enjoy the view and hang on for the wildest ride ever. I am actually really excited now that the hardest parts are over. Scott still needs to find us a house, and I am sure the universe will help us find something. So far, he universe has been pretty good in helping us with everything else!

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