Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Spring is sprung + Rick McGhie is on tour!

The weather has been so lovely here the past few days. Hubby and I got out into the backyard and raked up the grass and one of the side gardens. We also got our patio set and umbrella out. Spring is definitely here, even though I haven't seen a robin yet.


Oh. My. God. Rick McGhie is going on tour! Rick McGhie is definitely one of my best memories of university. He covers a lot of folk singers like James Taylor, Don McLean, and Simon and Garfunkle. I probably went to listen to him at the Spoke (the on-campus bar) at least once a week. I know all the words to the song "American Pie" because of Rick. I am hoping hubby and I can go to see him in June. EEeeeee!

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